ين والمنافقين لبان ليس لهم مكان بين الامم الحره الحريه هي ان تفهم انها لك ولي وليست لك وحدك الحريه هي ان تفهم ان كل العقول ليست متساويه , هل علمت الان من السبب في كل مشاكنا وانعدام حريتنا ارجوا يعي الناس ان الحق والحرية تاخذ غلابا لا تمنح من مستبد او حكاماJust the desire and hope is always entices all the Arab peoples, when walking the citizen and the Hua security on the road and speak freely and think freely without repression and terror, that Ihve a decent life for himself and his children, that can hold from exceed it or violates his dignity and his humanity as the security of the system, to feel that he is which to choose their leaders can be held accountable and his dismissal if he wants not to be eternal, to be the ruler just an employee in the service of his people and not vice versa, and that the owner of the country and all of his subjects and his servants give and prevents at will inherit the town to the daughter as if a company or the land and the Division are just slaves of land, when is the ruler and guardian in charge of people and operated according to the will of the people "(and obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those of you)> did not say the Almighty the ruler of them, but you, no choosing, and your will, how this happens, that the problem of Arab and Islamic nation is ignorance and ignorance, and ignorance , as long as people remain are speeches and Ttaghilhm what happens to them, a costume Egyptian proverb government walk side Hait, the country's de their work as Badalhm, we will remain so until we die, when there is a pause popular to review themselves and the face of oppression, and corruption, which appeared in the land and sea, who is responsible about what is happening to our people you are America and Israel hanger that attaches the hypocrites and ignorant by what happens to us from a decline in all areas or Officials true, who with their hands up and prohibitions, you know now why all Mchakna and lack of freedom I hope to make the people that the right and freedom take Glaba not grant of a despotic rulers or-----negm maher negm--
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كل الحب وكل الامنيات الطيبه لكل العالم مع الامل من المزيد من المحبه واحترام الراي الحر واختلاف الثقافات مع الاحترام الكامل للاديان وعدم الخوض في ما حرم الله وان نحترم الاخر وان نحاول ان نصحح عيوبه مع الاحترام الكامل للحريه في الوصف والتعبير والتبادل المعلوماتي الله خلقنا من المحبه والواجب ان نرد المحبه بكل الحب في الاحترام الكامل للرسل والانبياء والاديان والتشريع السماوي*All the love and all good wishes to all the world,
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جديد المدونه
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
ين والمنافقين لبان ليس لهم مكان بين الامم الحره الحريه هي ان تفهم انها لك ولي وليست لك وحدك الحريه هي ان تفهم ان كل العقول ليست متساويه , هل علمت الان من السبب في كل مشاكنا وانعدام حريتنا ارجوا يعي الناس ان الحق والحرية تاخذ غلابا لا تمنح من مستبد او حكاماJust the desire and hope is always entices all the Arab peoples, when walking the citizen and the Hua security on the road and speak freely and think freely without repression and terror, that Ihve a decent life for himself and his children, that can hold from exceed it or violates his dignity and his humanity as the security of the system, to feel that he is which to choose their leaders can be held accountable and his dismissal if he wants not to be eternal, to be the ruler just an employee in the service of his people and not vice versa, and that the owner of the country and all of his subjects and his servants give and prevents at will inherit the town to the daughter as if a company or the land and the Division are just slaves of land, when is the ruler and guardian in charge of people and operated according to the will of the people "(and obey Allah and obey the Messenger and those of you)> did not say the Almighty the ruler of them, but you, no choosing, and your will, how this happens, that the problem of Arab and Islamic nation is ignorance and ignorance, and ignorance , as long as people remain are speeches and Ttaghilhm what happens to them, a costume Egyptian proverb government walk side Hait, the country's de their work as Badalhm, we will remain so until we die, when there is a pause popular to review themselves and the face of oppression, and corruption, which appeared in the land and sea, who is responsible about what is happening to our people you are America and Israel hanger that attaches the hypocrites and ignorant by what happens to us from a decline in all areas or Officials true, who with their hands up and prohibitions, you know now why all Mchakna and lack of freedom I hope to make the people that the right and freedom take Glaba not grant of a despotic rulers or-----negm maher negm--